I have always had a passion for music. Even though it is not my major focus in my creative work, I will gladly piggy back off of my namesake's fame. Below are different music and audio projects that have come from the joy of playing and listening to music.
A San Francisco rock group in which I play bass and sing back-up. The other members are Kyle Dennis "guitar" Jared O'Blennis "vocals / guitar" and Pat Thomas "drums". Here are some demo recordings of songs that we have written and enjoy to jam.
Film Score
Making music for my films is both fun and free from the hassle of securing copyright. The track below was recorded for Junior the Bear and is titled "Junior's Theme". The piece was written by me and I played the banjo on the track. Thanks to Pat Thomas for recording and producing the song and to Ryan Wong for playing the acoustic guitar.
Audio Story Mashup
The concept is to meld different mediums that use audio (music, film, spoken word) and use the sum of the parts to tell a story. It's like a mashup song but not as dancy. "Serious Delirium" is a test of this form.